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Number Description Action Date Disposition
28-ME-DG-02 Mechanical and electrical design guidelines for water booster pumping stations Codified
Design Guideline DG-08 Mechanical and electrical design guidelines for low-flow wastewater pumping stations using submersible nonclog pumps or submersible grinder pumps Codified
M 93-03 Maintenance procedures for sewer grinder pumps Codified
FIN-FI-2018 Local business investment and growth (BIG) program; supersedes FIN-FI-2016-012 Codified
Res. 2023-2353 Local business investment and growth (BIG) program; amends Ch. 5.105 Codified
Res. 2022-2296 Local business investment and growth (BIG) program; amends Ch. 5.105 Codified
Document dated July 1, 2021 Local business investment and growth (BIG) program; amends Ch. 5.105 7/1/2021 Codified
FIN-FI-2016-012 Local business investment and growth (BIG) program 11/16/2016 Superseded by FIN-FI-2018
W 8.0 Leak on property Codified
CON 95-05 Investigation of violations pertaining to fats, oil and grease discharges Codified
Industrial discharge control program enforcement response plan Codified
GMO 09-01 Identity theft prevention program Codified
Res. 2022-2312 Identification and disposition of surplus real property Codified
GM 94-01 Host community mitigation for WSSC projects Codified
CUS 06-03 Hearing procedures for customer refund claims Codified
IA 09-02 (Res. 2010-1845) Fraud, waste, and abuse hotline policy Superseded
Document dated July 1, 2020 Fraud, waste, and abuse; amends and recodifies Ch. 15.210 as 2.60; supersedes IA-09-02 (Res. 2010-1845) 7/1/2020 Codified
GM 91-01 Firearms authorization Codified
M&O 92-01 Fire hydrant meter lease program Superseded by CUS 96-01
Document dated August 2018 Fats, oils and grease program; supersedes CUS 07-09 8/2018 Codified
CUS 07-09 Fats, oils and grease program Superseded by document dated August 2018
Document dated September 1, 2020 Equal employment opportunity policy; amends Ch. 9.335 and supersedes NR-HRM-FP-2013-005 9/1/2020 Codified
Document dated September 1, 2020 Equal employment opportunity definitions; adds Ch. 9.323 9/1/2020 Codified
REG-HRM-HR-2014-006 Employment procedures Codified
WOD 90-01 Emergency water use restrictions for the Montgomery County high and dependent zones Codified